Sounds of NBC Monitor – 1969

New for February 2025

Henry Morgan, Joe Garagiola & Murray the K Host Monitor ’69

Yes, Monitor fans, we have quite an eclectic collection of Monitor ’69 hours for you this month, below.  They are hosted by Henry Morgan, Joe Garagiola and Murray the K.  Yes, the “K” had become Monitor’s new Saturday night host, and you’ll hear him in action. Our new hours are in chronological order, below, starting with Henry on Sept. 13 and ending with Murray on Oct. 18. These new hours all have red headlines like this with the word “New” in front of them. So scroll down, and enjoy!  

Also below, in chronological order, you’ll find more than 100 hours of Monitor that aired in 1969, hosted by (in alphabetical order) Charlie Brown, Brad Crandall, Joe Garagiola, Murray the K, Durward Kirby, Jim Lowe, Ed McMahon, Garry Moore, Henry Morgan, Tony Randall, Gene Rayburn, Ted Steele and Roger Tuttle.

You’ll find that many of these hours have a blue headline, like this. All ofthese “blue hours” were recorded by “super” Monitor fan Warren Gerbe off WNBC Radio.  His recordings made their way to George Miller, who, along with Louis Castaing, have kindly made them available.  We cannot thank them enough.

Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Gene kicks off this special day of Monitor broadcasts by hosting this first hour of  Saturday morning Monitor that aired from 9 to 10 a.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969, on the NBC Radio Network (and which was tape-delayed to air on WNBC from noon to 1 p.m.)  This entire Monitor weekend was sponsored by the Ford Motor Company, and was devoted to predictions about the upcoming year. This begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then you’ll hear NBC-TV news anchor Chet Huntley’s congressional predictions for ’69; predictions about the year’s upcoming pop music scene; predictions about the future of the National Basketball Association; a report on the future of France; Criswell’s predictions; Sheldon Leonard’s predictions about TV programming; and much more.  Quite an hour, indeed. 
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Gene hosts this second hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969.  You’ll hear Russ Ward reporting on the upcoming inauguration of Richard Nixon as president; a report on new trends in music technology; Gene Shalit, previewing 1969 movie releases; Joe Garagiola’s sports predictions for the year; Peter Hackes, reporting on the future of weather forecasting; and Elliot Mintz predicting the upcoming year’s music scene.
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Gene returns to host this third and final hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 11 a.m. to noon ET on Jan. 4, 1969.  This one features predictions about the nation’s drug problems, a prediction on the course of the Vietnam War, predictions on the future of Blacks in America, Monitor College Poll predictions, and more.  You might also hear a dog barking.  It belonged to Warren Gerbe, who recorded many of the Monitor hours we have from ’66, ’67, ’68, and now, ’69.
Ed McMahon hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
That’s right, Monitor fans, Ed returned to host Saturday afternoon Monitor on  Jan. 4, 1969.  He previously had hosted Monitor for three years, starting in 1965 — then left in ’68, to be replaced by Joe Garagiola.  But here, Ed is back — for this one day only — sounding as good as ever, hosting this hour from 3 to 4 p.m. ET.  It’s an absolute powerhouse, featuring Jim Simpson’s report on the future of pro golf in 1969; predictions from Criswell; Ed interviewing baseball superstar pitcher Bob Gibson (which turns into a Ford commercial); Dean Mell, interviewing an economics expert about 1969’s prospects; a report from Moscow; and an interview with a drug-addiction expert.
Ed McMahon hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Ed hosts this excellent second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969.  After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, you’ll hear Chet Huntley reporting on the prospects for peace in the Vietnam War in the coming year; Gene Rayburn, interviewing NFL star Alex Karras (which turns into a Ford commercial); Dr. Joyce Brothers, on the future of relationships; a report from Japan; and Monitor’s College Poll.
Ed McMahon hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Ed presides over this third hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor that aired from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969.  It opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour — then features Leonard Probst, making predictions about Broadway plays in 1969; Peter Hackes, interviewing a census expert; Notre Dame football coach Ara Parseghian, making football predictions (which turns into a Ford commercial); Joe Garagiola, predicting baseball in ’69; Paul Duke, looking at consumer protection in the coming year; and Dr. Frank Field, looking at possible medical advances.  It’s a great hour — and it is great hearing Ed McMahon, hosting Monitor for likely the final time.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Jan. 4
Time: one hour
Here’s Ted, hosting this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969.  Continuing Monitor’s day-long look at predictions for the upcoming year, this hour features Van Patrick interviewing auto-racing legend Richard Petty (which turns into a Ford commercial); world-famous heart surgeon Dr. Michael DeBakey, previewing medicine in ’69; a report from Hong Kong; Joe Garagiola’s football predictions; Linda Sutter previewing fashion trends in 1969; an interview with a music expert on trends in the new year; and Van Patrick, interviewing race driver Davey Pearson in another Ford commercial.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Jan. 4
Time: a half-hour
Ted hosts this final half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 10 to 10:30 p.m. ET on Jan. 4, 1969, featuring Peter Hackes with predictions about what was going to happen in space this coming year (including man’s first walk on the moon), predictions from Criswell, and an interview with an author about what would come up in 1969.
Tony Randall hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 8
That’s right, Monitor fans — stage, screen and TV star Tony Randall hosted Saturday afternoon Monitor on Feb. 8, 1969 — and we have all three hours!  Filling in for regular host Joe Garagiola, Tony makes — in this first hour from 3 to 4 p.m. ET — some of the wildest comments any host would ever make on Monitor. Listen for yourself, as Tony glides through a report on traffic problems in Philadelphia; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor” report; a somewhat chaotic live report from KNBR’s Frank Dill from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tourney; and a “Ring Around the World” report on commuting problems in Italy. There’s also a WNBC local newscast on the half-hour.
Tony Randall hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 8
Tony returns with this second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 8, 1969.  After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, you’ll hear Bob Considine’s “On the Line” report; a Henry Morgan commentary; WNBC Radio’s local half-hour newscast; another live report from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tournament; a report on a soviet fishing trawler discovered off the Virginia coast; and Tony, reading sports results.
Tony Randall hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Feb. 8 
Starting with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, Tony hosts this third and final hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on Feb. 8, 1969.  We have much of this hour — including Tony, blowing the commercial during News on the Hour; a report on commuting problems in Washington, D.C,; and Tony trying to toss to another live report from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tournament.  
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 8
Ted hosts this opening half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on Feb. 8, 1969, featuring KNBR’s Frank Dill with a live report from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tourney; a report on commuting problems in Duluth, Minnesota; and Ted’s “snappy Saturday survey” of sports scores.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 8
Ted’s back with this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on Feb. 8, 1969.  We have most of this hour, including reports on commuting problems in Paris, Rhode Island and Tucson, Arizona; an expert on drug abuse talking about heroin addiction; a Monitor college poll; Ted reading Saturday night sports updates; and Ted, ad-libbing while a Monitor engineer gets a record spinning at the right speed.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Feb. 8
Time: one hour
Ted presides over this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on Feb. 8, 1969.  You’ll hear Guy LeBow’s interview with new Major League Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn; reports on traffic problems in London, Tokyo and San Francisco; advice from Dr. Joyce Brothers; and a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Bill Cosby.
Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 9
Time: one hour
We are pleased to have all four hours of Henry hosting Sunday afternoon Monitor on Feb. 9, 1969.  This first one — from 2 to 3 p.m. ET — features Monitor’s sports editor Len Dillon interviewing Peter Fuller, the controversial owner of the champion horse “Dancer’s Image”; reports on traffic problems in New Orleans, Detroit and Jerusalem; Herbert Kaplow’s preview of President Nixon’s upcoming trip to Europe; advice from Dr. Joyce Brothers; and a part of WNBC Radio’s local newscast at the half-hour mark.
Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 9
Time: one hour
Henry’s back with the second hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Feb. 9, 1969.  You’ll hear an “On the Line” report from Bob Considine; a Joe Garagiola sports report; “Capitol Hill Monitor” with Paul Duke; a report on traffic problems in Chicago; and WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour, detailing the worsening snowstorm.
Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Feb. 9
Time: one hour
Mr. Morgan hosts this energetic hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 9, 1969. Our audio begins with a snippet of WNBC’s local newscast; then you’ll hear a report on commuting between NYC and Washington, D.C.; a report on commuting to NYC via the Long Island Railroad; Peter Hackes, reporting on the future of commuting by rocket;  a Monitor College Poll with Bill Ryan; KNBR’s (NBC Radio’s O-and-O in San Francisco) Frank Dill, reporting live from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tournament in Palm Desert;  and WNBC’s half-hour newscast on the storm.
Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 4 (scoped) — Feb. 9
Time: about a half-hour
We have much but not all of this fourth and final hour of Henry on Sunday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on Feb. 9, 1969. It includes reports on traffic conditions in Boston; a man who commutes between Dallas and Houston; Gene Shalit’s review of Dean Martin’s latest “Matt Helm” movie (Gene did not like it); and another live report from KNBR’s Frank Dill from the Bob Hope Desert Classic golf tourney in Palm Desert.
Roger Tuttle hosts Monitor ’69 — Feb. 9
Time: one hour
Roger Tuttle was an NBC Radio staff announcer.  He was pressed into duty, hosting Monitor, on this Sunday night, Feb. 9, 1969, because a raging snowstorm kept regular host Brad Crandall from making it into Radio Central. In this hour from 7 to 8 p.m. ET, Roger presides over a look at traffic problems at Cape Kennedy in Florida; a look at the future of space travel for commuting (an interview Brad had done and would have introduced, had he been here); Brad’s previously-taped interviews with two other radio talk-show hosts; and another live report from Frank Dill at the Bob Hope Desert Classic Golf Tournament.  
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 15
Gene hosts this hour of Saturday morning Monitor that aired from 9 to 10 a.m. ET on NBC Radio — but which WNBC Radio aired from noon to 1 p.m. ET. — on Feb. 15, 1969.  It starts with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then moves on to Paul Duke, reporting on possible moves to remove cigarette advertising from radio and TV (which would, indeed, happen); Gene Shalit’s scathing review of two movies that had opened that week; WNBC’s local news on the half-hour; Guy LeBow’s interview with the nation’s first licensed horse jockey; and an expert, talking about the possible effects of cigarette smoking. 
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 15
This is an excellent hour of Saturday morning Monitor hosted by Mr. Rayburn from 11 a.m. to noon ET on Feb. 15, 1969.  Opening with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, it moves on to George Lewis reporting from France on smoking habits there; a report from an official of the American Cancer Society on smoking; a Joe Garagiola sports report; WNBC’s local news on the half-hour; a report on pot smoking; a personal essay by Mr. Rayburn on his efforts to stop smoking;  and tips from an expert on how to stop smoking (yes, this is a “smoking weekend” on Monitor).
Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 15
Time: one hour
Joe presides over this first hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Feb. 15, 1969.  You’ll hear an official from the National Association of Broadcasters talk about the group’s guidelines for cigarette advertising on radio and TV; university man-on-the-street interviews about cigarette smoking; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; Dr. Joyce Brothers on the effectiveness of anti-smoking messages; reports on smoking in Great Britain and in the Soviet Union; and a Monitor tip.  Yep. This was a “smoking report” weekend on Monitor.
Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69. part 2 — Feb. 15
Here’s the energetic Mr. G, returning with the second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 15, 1969.  After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, you’ll hear Bob Considine’s “On the Line” report about the upcoming Apollo 9 mission — and it’s a stark piece on the flight’s dangers.  Then you’ll hear Joe’s report on the NFL football draft; WNBC’s half-hour local newscast; movie reviewer Leonard Probst, reviewing Elaine May’s new Broadway play; Joe’s nationwide weather outlook; a report on filter cigarettes; and an interview with the head of the “Smoke Stoppers” group.  Yes, indeed. This hour is loaded.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 15
Ted presides over this half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on Feb. 15, 1969, featuring National Association of Broadcasters president Vincent Wasilewski, discussing the Federal Communications Commission move to ban cigarette advertising on radio and TV; a man-on-the-street interview on that issue; a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Pat Cooper; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor” report; and Ted, giving a Saturday night sports update.
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 15
Here’s Ted, hosting this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on Feb. 15, 1969, featuring an interview with a doctor who worked in an anti-smoking clinic; Joe Garagiola’s sports report; a report on drug abuse; reports on smoking in Germany and Rome; and Ted, reading late sports results.
Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69 — Feb. 16
Henry’s here, with this hour of Monitor from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on Feb. 16, 1969, much of which is taken up by reports on the Federal Communications Commission’s effort to get cigarette advertising off radio and TV (which did happen).  There’s also a report on surfing.  Go figure.
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 22
Time: a half-hour This is delightful listening, indeed.  Gene hosts this half-hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 9 to 9:30 a.m. ET on Saturday, Feb. 22, 1969 — George Washington’s birthday.   This segment begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour — then features an interview with Mary Higgins Clark, talking about her just-released book about Washington; and a piece by NBC correspondent Peter Hackes, discussing the future of the U.S. space program (and just listen to how right he was!)  Gene’s breezy style was absolutely perfect for Saturday mornings, when millions of Americans were in their cars, doing weekend chores or heading to a weekend outing. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 22
Time:  a half-hour Here’s Gene again, hosting Monitor from 9:30 to 10 a.m. ET on Saturday, Feb. 22, 1969.  This half-hour features NBC sportscaster Guy LeBow interviewing Washington Senators owner Bob Short, who had announced, hours earlier, his hiring of Ted Williams as Senators’ manager.  It also features NBC correspondent Paul Duke, who has a Capitol Hill profile. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Feb. 22
Time: one hour
Gene returns with this second hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on Feb. 22, 1969.  And it’s loaded.  It starts with NBC Monitor News on the Hour — then moves on to an “On the Line” piece by Bob Considine about legendary Yankee and Mets manager Casey Stengel; Gene’s national weather report; Herb Kaplow’s preview on preparations for President Nixon’s trip to Europe, which would begin the next day; man-on-the-street interviews in Portland, Oregon, about the president’s upcoming trip; Gene Shalit with movie reviews; outtakes from NBC-TV’s Rowan and Martin “Laugh-In,” the top-rated program on network television; an interview with new Washington Senators baseball manager Ted Williams; and WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour.
Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 4 — Feb. 22
Time:  one hour Here’s Gene again, hosting another great hour of Monitor on Saturday morning, Feb. 22, 1969, from 11 a.m. to noon ET.  You’ll hear NBC Monitor News on the Hour, followed by an interview with Mary Higgins Clark, Joe Garagiola sports, “Ring Around the World,” “Monitor Tips” & more. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
NBC Radio Closed Circuit (and Monitor) 1969 — Feb. 22
Time:  one hour Okay, Monitor fans — here’s what went on, closed-circuit, during the “non-Monitor” hours from 1 to 3 p.m. ET on Saturday, Feb. 22, 1969.  It begins with the great Don Pardo introducing a real “NBC Monitor News on the Hour” at 1 p.m. ET — followed by closed-circuit (not for airing) music and a “REVRAC” — reverse radio audio channel — test, which includes a fake newscast from KNBR, NBC’s O-and-O in San Francisco.  Then you’ll hear Pardo introduce the real 2 p.m. hourly newscast, and that’s followed by Joe Garagiola introducing the 3 p.m. NBC Monitor News on the Hour and most of Joe’s 3-4 p.m. Monitor hour that Saturday. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 22
Joe, the great NBC-TV sportscaster, hosted Saturday afternoon Monitor for several years in the late-’60s (succeeding Ed McMahon) — and also did regular sports features for Monitor for many years.  Here he is, hosting on Saturday, February 22, 1969, from 3 to 4 p.m. ET.  It begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, followed by a live report from Mount Vernon (this was, after all, Washington’s Birthday); a report on President Nixon’s overseas trip; an interview with Bing Crosby & more.  (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 22
After NBC Monitor News on the Hour (introduced by Gene Rayburn),  Joe Garagiola glides through this hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Feb. 22, 1969.  This one features Bob Considine’s “On the Line” report (a tribute to George Washington, whose birthday it was); a Joe G. sports  report; Chris Economaki’s preview on the Daytona 500 auto race on Sunday; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; a Henry Morgan commentary; Joe’s national weather update; a preview of President Nixon’s upcoming trip to Europe; and man-on-the-street interviews about that trip. 
Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Feb. 22
Following NBC Monitor News on the Hour, Joe hosts this half-hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 5:30 p.m. ET on Feb. 22, 1969.  It features a report on a University of Arizona study of photo taken by the previous Apollo 8 flight; a “Laugh-In” sound track; and an interview with Bing Crosby about hunting, fishing, baseball and football.  (Courtesy of Ken Smith)
Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69 — Feb. 22
Here’s Ted, in one of his last appearances on Saturday night Monitor (he’d been the host since 1967) on Feb. 22, 1969, from 10 to 10:30 p.m. ET.  You’ll hear an interview with mentalist Kreskin, and an interview with Boston Red Sox player Ken Harrelson.

Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Feb. 23

Time:  one hour

Here’s Henry, hosting on Sunday afternoon, February 23, 1969, from 2 to 3 p.m. ET, as Monitor keeps us up-to-the-minute on President Nixon’s arrival in Brussels, Belgium, for his first overseas trip.  Features man-on-the-street interviews about the Nixon trip; a Richard Valeriani report about the trip; Ray Scherer reporting on Nixon’s arrival in Europe; and Dr. Joyce Brothers. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Feb. 23

Time: one hour

It’s no secret that Henry is one of our favorite all-time Monitor hosts (you can probably tell by the number of Henry Morgan audio clips we have.) So here’s another hour of Mr. Morgan — this one from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Sunday, February 23, 1969. You’ll hear Monitor really “going places and doing things.”  After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, there’s a Bob Considine “On the Line” report; Ray Scherer reporting on President Nixon’s arrival in Brussels, Belgium; man-on-the-street interviews about the president’s trip; Joe Garagiola interviewing boxing great Jack Dempsey; and, of course, Henry. (Courtesy of Ken Smith)


Brad Crandall hosts Monitor ’69 — Feb. 23

Time: one hour

Brads’ back with this excellent hour of Sunday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on February 23, 1969. You’ll hear an interview with a participant in the Synanon drug treatment program; Ron Nessen’s report on the surgery that former President Eisenhower was about to undergo; Brad’s look at the week ahead in sports; a “Ring Around the World” report on President Nixon’s upcoming trip to West Berlin; an announcement, just made, about the surgery former President Eisenhower faced; an interview with actor Richard Crenna; excerpts from Rowan & Martin’s “Laugh-In” TV show; and a report on the Washington football team’s hiring of Vince Lombardi.  Oh, my.  This is how really, really good Monitor was.


Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 1

Time: one hour

Here’s Joe, starting this hour from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 1, 1969, with a news flash — that New York Yankee great Mickey Mantle had just announced his retirement.  Then Joe interviews a University of Notre Dame official about a controversial campus protest policy, and Monitor sports editor Len Dillon interviews a National Hockey League official about the prospect of a player strike. You’ll hear a WNBC Radio local newscast at the bottom of the hour, followed by a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Bill Cosby, Peter Hackes reporting on the upcoming flight of Apollo 9, Garrick Utley reporting from France on President Nixon’s recent trip there, and a Monitor tip. Yep.  This hour’s loaded.


 Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 1

Time: one hour

Starting with NBC Monitor News on the hour, this hour from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Saturday, March 1, 1969, is packed.  Host Joe Garagiola presides over Bob Considine’s “On the Line” piece about Vietnam; then Joe interviews, live, Yankee great Mickey Mantle, who had announced his retirement an hour earlier.  Leonard Probst reports on new Broadway plays; there’s a WNBC local newscast; and then there’s a report on the jury verdict that acquitted Clay Shaw, the man accused of plotting to kill President Kennedy; a Monitor college poll; man-on-the-street interviews about baseball; plus Joe’s national weather update and a Monitor tip.


Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 1

Time: a half-hour

This half-hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 5:30 p.m. ET on March 1, 1969, opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then host Joe Garagiola presides over an interview with singer Sue Rainey, followed by her latest song; a Monitor tip; Joe’s commentary on the Major League Baseball labor settlement reached earlier in the week; Joe’s Saturday afternoon sports-score update; and comedy highlights from Rowan & Martin’s smash-hit show on NBC-TV.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 2 (scoped)

Time: a half-hour

This is a somewhat choppy recording of Henry hosting Sunday afternoon Monitor between 2 and 3 p.m. ET on March 2, 1969. After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, you’ll hear a Len Dillon sports interview and a report from Tucson on a discovery at a Native American reservation. 


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 2

Time: one hour

This excellent hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on March 2, 1969, opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then, host Henry Morgan introduces an “On the Line” report from Bob Considine and an interview with Boston Celtics general manager Red Auerbach. A WNBC local newscast airs at the bottom of the hour, followed by more of Monitor, with Bill Ryan’s college poll; a report on the scheduled next-day flight of Apollo 9; a Joe Garagiola sports piece; a Monitor tip and Henry, ad-libbing about baseball.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 2

Time: one hour

Here’s most of the 90 minutes of Monitor hosted by Mr. Morgan from 4 to about 5:30 p.m. ET on Sunday, March 2, 1969.  It starts with NBC Monitor News on the hour; then segues into Henry’s interview with author Leo Rosten (“The Joys of Yiddish”); a report on tensions between the Soviet Union and China; a report on the political situation in Israel; a WNBC local newscast; a report on expatriates living in Canada; a “Laugh-In” comedy track; a Joe Garagiola sports piece; Monitor tips; and Henry’s bulletin on the medical condition of former President Eisenhower.


Brad Crandall hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 2

Time: one hour

Brad presides over this fine hour of Sunday night Monitor from 7 to 8 p.m. ET on March 2, 1969, featuring a report from KNBR’s Gene D’Accardo on a missing DC-3 airliner in California with 35 on board (it would be found on August 8, 1969 — no survivors); Brad with the upcoming week in sports; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor”; Bob Considine’s “On the Line”; Peter Hackes, reporting on the scheduled next-day launch of Apollo 9; and a report on American deserters in Sweden.


Brad Crandall hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 2

Time: one hour

Brad’s back with this half-hour of Sunday night Monitor from 8:30 to 9 p.m. ET on March 2, 1969.  You’ll hear a report on a recent study of UFO’s; Dean Mell, reporting on the upcoming blast-off of the Apollo 9 moon mission (the next morning); man-on-the-street interviews on the upcoming baseball season; and a new Rowan and Martin laugh-track.


Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69 — March 8

Time: one hour

Saturday afternoon host Joe Garagiola is filling in for regular Saturday morning host Gene Rayburn (as he explains, they have “switched shifts” on this Saturday) in this hour from 9 to 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 8, 1969. It features Bob Considine’s “On the Line” report; Carl Stern, reporting on juvenile crime; Joe’s national weather outlook; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Jonathan Winters; a live progress report on the flight of Apollo 9; an interview with American space hero John Glenn about the benefits of the space program; and a Monitor tip.  Is this hour loaded? Oh, yes.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 8

Time: one hour

Here’s genial Gene — Monitor’s regular Saturday morning host — filling in for Joe Garagiola (Gene and Joe “switched shifts on this Saturday), hosting Saturday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on March 8, 1969.  You’ll hear a report from Vietnam; “Capitol Hill Monitor,” with Paul Duke interviewing new Iowa Senator Harold Hughes; campus man-on-the-street interviews from West Virginia University about whether students think the Apollo space program is worth it; an update on the flight of Apollo 9; a report on drug abuse; and Monitor tips.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 8

Time: one hour

Mr. Rayburn returns with the second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on March 8, 1969.  Starting with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, this one includes an “On the Line” report from Bob Considine from the always-troubled Middle East; two Joe Garagiola sports reports; WNBC’s local newscast at the bottom of the hour; a report on the flight of Apollo 9; a man-on-the-street interview from Arkansas on whether the Apollo program is worth it; Gene’s national weather summary and a Monitor tip.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 8

Time: one hour

Gene’s back with the third and final hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on March 8, 1969.  It begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then you’ll hear Henry Morgan, commenting on smoking; a report on the aftermath of the U.S.S. Pueblo incident; a WNBC local newscast; Bill Ryan’s Monitor college poll; a report on the flight of Apollo 9; Leonard Probst on new Broadway plays; and a Monitor tip.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69 — March 8

Time: one hour

Ted hosts this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on March 8, 1969, featuring an interview with comedian Jackie Vernon, followed by a “Monitor on Stage” performance by Mr. Vernon; a report on drug abuse; Ted, reading the Saturday night sports scores; a report and man-on-the-street interviews about the “worth” of the Apollo 9 mission; a live report on the flight of  Apollo 9; Leonard Probst interviews “Laugh-In” regular Arte Johnson; and Ted, with another sports report.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 15

Time: a half-hour

Ted hosts this first half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on March 15, 1969, featuring reports on post office problems in Texas and Montana (yes, it was a “post office problems” weekend on Monitor); and a “Capitol Hill Monitor” interview with California congressman John Tunney, who later would become a U.S. Senator from California. 


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 –March 15

Time: one hour

Ted’s back with this hour of Saturday night Monitor on March 15, 1969, from 8 to 9 p.m. ET.  It begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then moves on to a Barbara Walters interview with actor Tony Curtis about his heading up an anti-smoking campaign; Kyle Rote’s interview with golfer Bob Goalby, the 1968 Masters champ; Ted with two Saturday night sports-score updates; reports on postal service problems in Rome and Jerusalem; and a report on drug abuse.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 15

Time: one hour

Ted returns with this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on March 15, 1969, featuring reports on post office problems in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Pensacola, Florida; a sports report from Joe Garagiola; Linda Sutter’s interview with a Congressman who wanted to ban the mailing of pornographic material; a “Monitor on Stage” performance with comedienne Betty Walker; and Ted, reading Saturday night sports scores.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 16 

Time: a half-hour

Here’s Mr. Morgan, hosting this half hour from 2:30 to 3 p.m. ET on Sunday afternoon, March 16, 1969.  It features a Monitor “college poll” and two reports on problems in the U.S. post office.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 16 

Time: one hour

We have most of this hour of Monitor that aired from 4 to 5 p.m.  ET on Sunday,  March 16, 1969, featuring an interview with a magazine publisher on the use of 3rd-class mail; a WNBC local newscast; reports on post-office conditions in Miami and Duluth, Minnesota; Guy LeBow’s interview with New York Mets manager Gil Hodges; plus Henry’s national weather update and, yes, Henry reading sports scores.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 16

Time: one hour

Here’s Henry, back with another hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on March 16, 1969.  Opening with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, it features an interview with Winton Blount, the new Postmaster General; a report on drug abuse; WNBC’s newscast at the half-hour; a report on post office issues in San Franciso; and an interview with musician Stan Kenton.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 22

Time: one hour

Gene energetically hosts this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on March 22, 1969.  It starts with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then rolls on to Gene’s interview with newspaper columnist Sheilah Graham about the new, graphic openness of motion pictures (Monitor was focused on “new freedoms” this weekend); Gene’s national weather outlook; Bob Considine’s “On the Line” piece; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; a report on glue-sniffing by Dr. Donald Luria, president of the New York State Council on Drug Addiction; a Joe Garagiola sports report; and a Monitor tip. 


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 22

Time: one hour

Mr. Rayburn’s energy and enthusiasm are obvious in this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 11 a.m. to noon ET on March 22, 1969.  NBC Monitor News on the Hour kicks it off; then Gene glides into a report on humorous anecdotes from the week from Washington, D.C.; an interview with “Bonanza” TV star Dan Blocker, who would take part in a powerboat-racing event later on this Saturday; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; Gene’s own interview with a Fordham University official on the “new morality”; Carl Stern’s report on the legal definitions of obscenity; Chris Economaki’s live report from the Sebring 12-hour auto race in Florida; and a couple of Monitor tips. Yes, Gene was the perfect host for Saturday mornings.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 22

Time: one hour

Henry is filling in for regular Saturday afternoon Monitor host Joe Garagiola in this hour from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on March 22, 1969.  You’ll hear a report on naked runners at the University of Maryland; an interview with an author about young people’s morality in Europe; Linda Sutter’s report on music lyrics; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor”; a Joe Garagiola sports report on a basketball player who also is a poet; and some sports scores from Henry.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 22

Time: one hour

Henry’s back with this power-packed second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on March 22, 1969.  It begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then moves ahead with a compelling “On the Line” piece by Bob Considine, in which he relates just having been on board a hijacked airliner (and be sure to note who does the Mutual of Omaha commercial in that piece); an interview with an author about the increasing use of obscenity in public; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; an interview with songwriter Mason Williams about his latest release, “Greensleeves,” followed by the song itself; and Henry’s national weather outlook plus sports scores.  You’ll also hear the song “Aquarius” — something you likely never thought you’d hear on Monitor.  


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 22

Time: one hour

Mr. Morgan hosts this third and final hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor on March 22, 1969, from 5 to 6 p.m. ET.  It opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then moves ahead with Chris Economaki’s report on the 12-hour auto race taking place in Sebring, Florida; Monitor’s “Man on the Aisle,” Leonard Probst, reporting on new, more daring stage plays; Peter Hackes, reporting on how space-age technology will help ships; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; reports on the new “morality culture” in Japan and Hong Kong; an interview with Major League Baseball superstar Hank Aaron; and Henry reading the afternoon’s sports scores.  Yes, all this in just this one hour.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 22

Time: one hour

Ted — who soon would wrap up his two-year stint as host of Saturday night Monitor — presides over this hour from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on March 22, 1969. It features Henry Morgan’s commentary on taxes; a “Monitor on Stage” performance by singer Vicki Carr; Bill McCord, interviewing NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle; Elizabeth Post, discussing etiquette in this “new morality” era; a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Bob Newhart; interviews with the owner of a topless place in San Francisco and with several “stars” about the “new morality”; and Ted, reading late sports scores on this Saturday night.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 22

Time: a half-hour

Here’s Ted, hosting this half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9:30 to 10 p.m. ET on March 22, 1969, featuring Linda Sutter’s interview with a Rabbi about the “new morality”; a report on that “new morality” in Germany; and an Elizabeth Post report.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 22

Time: a half-hour

Ted presides over this half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 10 to 10:30 p.m. ET on March 22, 1969, featuring reports on the “new morality” or “new freedoms” in London and Scandinavia.  (You likely have the idea by now that this was “new morality” weekend on Monitor.  Well, it was.)  You’ll also hear a report on boxing; a report from Chris Economaki on the ongoing 12-hour auto race in Florida; adn Ted, reading Saturday night sports updates.



Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 29

Time: about 80 minutes

This magnificent piece demonstrates why Gene Rayburn was such a great, and beloved, Monitor host — and why Monitor was, simply, incomparable when it came to “going places and doing things,” and covering everything important or interesting in the weekend world.  This aired on Saturday morning, March 29, 1969, from 9 to 10:20 a.m. ET — the day after Dwight D. Eisenhower, our 34th president, died.  It features a moving tribute by Bob “On the Line” Considine; Peter Hackes, reporting live on Ike’s memorial; Kyle Rote, reporting on Ike’s athletic achievements; “early” NBC Monitor News on the Hour, followed by a special live report on Ike’s memorial; plus a couple of Monitor “tips” and Dr. Joyce Brothers.  Gene segues between all of this beautifully, and his tone and presentation perfectly fit the mood of each of the program’s segments.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 29

Time: one hour

Gene hosts this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 11 a.m. to noon ET on March 29, 1969, featuring a report by Dr. Joyce Brothers; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; a “Monitor on Stage” performance by comedian Bob Newhart; and a sports piece by Joe Garagiola.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — March 29

Time: one hour

This is one of the rarest hours on this website — a live fourth hour of Saturday morning Monitor, which aired from noon to 1 p.m. ET on March 29, 1969.  Normally, NBC Radio replayed Gene Rayburn’s first live hour (which had aired from 9 to 10 a.m. ET) from noon to 1 p.m. ET for those stations that did not clear the first hour live. But on this Saturday, the first live hour — plus the first minutes of the second hour that followed) — were taken up (as you can hear,  above) by special reports on the previous day’s death of former President Dwight Eisenhower. Because that hour-plus was “dated” by the live updates — the network decided to have Gene stick around an extra hour — from noon to 1 p.m. ET — and air the hour that producers had originally planned to air, before Mr. Eisenhower passed away.  And that’s what you’ll hear now, starting with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, followed by a tax expert on the mistakes people make in filing their taxes; a report from Boston on tax problems there; a report from London on reaction to the death of President Eisenhower; a Gene Shalit movie review; a report on drug addiction; and Monitor tips.  


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69 — March 29

Time: one hour

Ted hosts this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on March 29, 1969, featuring a Joe Garagiola sports report; a report on drug addiction in the U.S.; Leonard Probst’s report on “ticket taxes”; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor”; and Ted, reading late sports scores


 Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69 — March 30

Time: one hour

Mr. Morgan hosts this hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on March 30, 1969.  It features a report on an Internal Revenue Service computer center; an interview with the author of a book on tax evaders; an interview with Major League Baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn on the death of former President Dwight Eisenhower; an interview with a U.S. Senator about the fight over funding for the IRS (sound familiar?); a report from Tucson on government ownership of land; and a live report from Carl Stern at the Washington National Cathedral on ceremonies for the late President Eisenhower.


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — March 30

Time: one hour

Yes, Monitor fans, this is the first hour that longtime “I’ve Got a Secret” TV host Garry Moore ever hosted on Monitor — and it would not be the last.  In this hour from 7 to 8 p.m. ET on Sunday, March 30, 1969, Garry — filling in for regular host  Brad Crandall — presides over the audio playback of President Nixon’s eulogy that day for former President Eisenhower; a live report from NBC’s Carl Stern from the Capitol Rotunda, where French president Charles DeGaulle had just arrived; an “On the Line” piece by Bob Considine; a report from Italy on taxpayer problems there; and Linda Sutter’s “Younger Generation” report on why many young workers do not pay taxes.


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — March 30

Time: one hour

Garry’s back with this hour of Sunday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on March 30, 1969.  It features Dean Mell’s extended interview with a minister who organized citizens to fight back against the Mob; a live report from Carl Stern at the Capitol Rotunda, where former President Eisenhower was lying in state;  Henry Morgan’s commentary on health; a Joe Garagiola sports report and Garry’s update on upcoming sports events; and a report from London on who would be sent to represent Britain at Ike’s funeral.


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — April 5

Time: one hour

We are pleased to have all three hours of Garry hosting Saturday afternoon Monitor on April 5, 1969, starting with this one from 3 to 4 p.m. ET.  You’ll hear Candy Jones’ interview with a millionaire; Leonard Probst, reviewing an “off-off Broadway” play; Barbara Walters interviewing actor Tony Curtis on travel; a “Ring Around the World” report on travel in the Soviet Union; a report on the dangers of the drug LSD; and a Monitor tip.


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — April 5

Time: one hour

Garry’s back, presiding over this fine second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on April 5, 1969.  Opening with NBC Monitor News on the Hour, Garry moves on to an “On the Line” report from Bob Considine; Chris Economaki –who used to do “Sport of Speed” on Monitor — back with a report on an international auto show; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; Chet Huntley’s “Focus on the News”; Richard Valeriani’s report on the upcoming Easter Egg roll at the White House; Garry’s national weather outlook; an interview with Dr. Denton Cooley of St. Luke’s Medical Center in Houston, who had just transplanted the world’s first artificial heart into a human; and other interviews about the heart procedure. And listen to the end — when Garry “reveals” his real name.


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — April 5

Time: one hour

This third and final hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor on April 5, 1969, from 5 to 6 p.m. ET, starts with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then host Garry Moore introduces two reports on that afternoon’s peace marches in Chicago and New York City; a dramatic report from Vietnam, where an NBC reporter had been in a firefight; Guy LeBow’s interview with a man who had been both a college football player and a pro baseball player; WNBC’s newscast on the half-hour; Joe Garagiola, interviewing two legendary baseball players — Satchel Paige and Ted Williams; an interview with actress Ingrid Bergman on travel; and a “Ring Around the World”  report from NBC’s Irving R. Levine in Rome, on the difficulties of travel in Italy that week.  You can catch your breath now.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — April 5

Time: a half-hour

This is one of Ted’s final appearances on Monitor, after hosting Saturday nights — and hosting well — for two years.  In this half-hour from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on  April 5, 1969, Ted introduces fellow Monitor host Henry Morgan, who delivers a commentary about traveling on American railroads (a piece that could easily play today); a report on travel in Wales; a “Ring Around the World” report from Vietnam; and Ted’s Saturday night sports update.


Ted Steele hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — April 5

Time: one hour

Here’s Ted, back with a full hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on April 5, 1969.  It features a report on travel in Alaska; a Joe Garagiola sports report on an up-and-coming swimming star whose name you surely will recognize; a commentary by an expert on drug abuse; Ted, interviewing an expert on drivers’ personalities (and you’ll hear how Ted and fellow Monitor hosts Gene Rayburn, Garry Moore and Henry Morgan did on the personality tests they took); and another Saturday night sports update from Ted.


Brad Crandall hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — April 6

Time: one hour

Brad hosts this first hour of Easter Sunday night Monitor from 7 to 8 p.m. ET on April 6, 1969. It features an interview with Paul Maier, the author of “Pontius Pilate”; a Gene Shalit review of “Sweet Charity,” the movie (and he’s not kind); Bob Considine’s “On the Line”; and a Ring Around the World report.


Brad Crandall hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — April 6

Time: a half-hour

Here’s Brad, back with this half-hour of Easter Sunday night Monitor from 8 to 8:30 p.m. ET on April 6, 1969.  It opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour — after which you’ll hear interviews with actors Gregory Peck and Peter Falk, talking about their travel experiences; and a Joe Garagiola sports piece about the opening of the Major League Baseball season.  This is one of Brad’s last appearances on Sunday night Monitor after hosting it for about three years. And, yes, that top-of-the-hour newscast has a rather major production goof.  (Recorded off KVOO Radio in Tulsa.  Courtesy of Eric Paddon.)


Garry Moore hosts Monitor ’69 — April 27

Time: one hour

We told you (just above) that Brad Crandall was exiting as Sunday night Monitor host.  Here’s your new Sunday night host — Garry Moore, with the first hour of Monitor from 7 to 8 p.m. ET on April 27, 1969. You’ll hear Linda Sutter’s “Younger Generation” report on young people refusing to register for the draft; Garry’s marvelous interview with comedian Alan King; Monitor sports editor Len Dillon’s interview with Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson; and Garry’s Sunday night sports update.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — May 10

Time: one hour

This hour of Saturday morning Monitor on May 10, 1969, aired live on NBC Radio from 9 to 10 a.m. ET but was tape-delayed from noon to 1 p.m. on WNBC.  It begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour.  Then Gene glides into Ed McMahon’s interview with comedian George Kirby; a Gene Shalit movie review; a Joe Garagiola sports report; WNBC’s local half-hour newscast; a “Ring Around the World” report; and a piece by Dr. Joyce Brothers.  We are pleased to have all three hours of Gene’s Saturday morning Monitor segment on this day.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — -May 10

Time: one hour

In this hour of Saturday morning Monitor hosted by Gene Rayburn from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on May 10, 1969, you’ll hear two Joe Garagiola sports reports; Gene, doing the national weather outlook; Bob Considine’s “On the Line”; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour — and a partial interview with singer Marilyn Maye.  The tape ran out before Marilyn’s interview did. 


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — May 10

Time: one hour

After NBC Monitor News on the Hour, this third and final hour of Saturday morning Monitor hosted by Gene Rayburn from 11 a.m. to noon ET on May 10, 1969, features a Monitor College Poll presented by NBC newsman Bill Ryan; an interview with Jerry West of the Los Angeles Lakers; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; an interview with comedian Pat Cooper; the second part of an interview with singer Marilyn Maye that began in the 10 o’clock hour (above); a Monitor sports report; and several Monitor tips. 


Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69 — May 10

Time: one hour

Joe G. hosts this hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on May 10, 1969.  It includes Bill Ryan’s “Monitor College Poll” on student unrest on college campuses; a report on student rebellion at Howard University; (echoes of  today?);  and two sports reports by Mr. Garagiola.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — May 10

Time: a half-hour

Here’s Durward, your new Saturday night Monitor host, with this first half-hour of Monitor from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on May 10, 1969. It features a compelling interview with singer Nancy Wilson; a report from North Dakota, where violence had broken out the night before in a small town; and a “Ring Around the World” report on the Paris peace talks, which would, as we know, fall apart, leaving the Vietnam war to continue for years.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — May 10

Time: a half-hour

Durward returns with this half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 8:30 p.m. ET, on May 10, 1969, featuring more of that interview with singer Nancy Wilson that began in the preceding half-hour (above); and Len Dillon’s interview with the new coach of the Philadelphia Eagles NFL team.


Joe Garagiola hosts Monitor ’69 — June 14

Time: one hour

Joe hosts this delightful hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on June 14, 1969 — Monitor’s 14th birthday.  You’ll hear Lindsay Nelson with “Monitor Goes Fishing,” an interview on the upcoming Maccabiah Games in Israel; WNBC’s half-hour local newscast; Frank Blair, with a report on houseboat living, and Joe, with the latest Saturday afternoon sports scores.


 Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — June 14

Time: one hour

Yes, after an absence of about six years, Jim Lowe returned to Monitor as a host.  In this absolutely powerhouse hour from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on Saturday night, June 14, 1969, Jim presides over an interview with the Fifth Dimension’s Lamonte McLemore; an interview with a conservationist who was trying to prevent the imminent slaughter of seals off the coast of Alaska; Jim’s announcement of a Life Magazine investigative report, published that Saturday night, about NY Jets’ quarterback Joe Namath’s possible connection with mobsters; Guy LeBow’s interview (recorded before the Life expose) with Buffalo Bills’ quarterback Jack Kemp about Namath; a report from Vietnam about the return home of American troops; a report on the dangers of LSD, and a report on that day’s Flag Day observance aet Fort McHenry in Baltimore.  Yes, a powerhouse hour.


Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — June 14

Time: one hour

Jim’s back with this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on June 14, 1969.  You’ll hear Linda Sutter’s report on discontent at Harvard University; Bill Ryan’s “College Poll”; Monitor’s musical “picks of the week”; a Bob Newhart comedy skit; and Jim, reading Saturday night sports results.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69 — June 15

Time: one hour

Henry hosts this hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on June 15, 1969, featuring Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor” report; a piece by Dr. Joyce Brothers; a “Ring Around the World” report; and an interview with singer Bobby Vinton.


Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69 — Sept. 6

Time: 45 minutes

Jim returns to Monitor after an absence of six years, in this snippet from Saturday night, Sept. 6, 1969, from about 8:45 to 9:30 p.m.  ET.  You’ll hear a feature called “Monitor’s picks” in which upcoming hit songs are identified; Long John Nebel, interviewing a man who knew the late Bishop James Pike; Leonard Probst, reviewing Kabuki Theater; and a report on discrimination in Los Angeles.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69 — Sept. 7

Time: one hour

Yes, Durward also joined Monitor as a host for a time in 1969 — about the same time his long-time TV pal Garry Moore was handling another Monitor segment. We have most of this hour Durward hosted from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on Sunday night Sept. 7, 1969.  You’ll hear reports on inflation in Cleveland and NYC and an interview with an author about how single women are handling inflation; and NBC’s Robert McCormick, with a tribute to legendary Republican Senate Minority leader Everett Dirksen, who had passed away hours earlier. 


New! Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Sept. 13

Time: one hour

This recording of the first hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Sept. 13, 1969, begins “in progress.”  Host Henry Morgan presides over a Peter Hackes report on air traffic problems (appropriate in light of recent news events, indeed); a Dr. Donald Lurie piece on how to tell if your child is doing drugs; and a Len Dillon interview with the owner of the New York Giants football team, Wellington Mara. Henry also interviews his own agent about actors who do commercials; and there’s a WNBC Radio local newscast on the half hour, along with the sound of Warren Gerbe’s dog.  


New! Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Sept. 13

Time: one hour

Henry returns with this second hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Sept. 13, 1969.  It opens with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then flows quickly into an “On the Line With Bob Considine” report; a report from Finland on mosquitoes (yes, that’s correct); WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; a Bill Ryan “Monitor College Poll” report; a report on recovery operations at a West Virginia mine where 78 people had died earlier; and a Rowan and Martin comedy skit featuring Tiny Tim.  


New! Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Sept. 13

Time: one hour

This third and final hour of Saturday afternoon Monitor from 5 to 6 p.m. ET on Sept. 13, 1969, starts with NBC Monitor News on the Hour. Then host Henry Morgan glides through Edwin Newman’s interview with Mary Gallagher, author of “My Life With Jacqueline Kennedy’; a Joe Garagiola sports report; a report from Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah; and Guy LeBow’s live Saturday afternoon sports update. And there’s a WNBC Radio local newscast on the half-hour.


 Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Sept. 13

Time: a half-hour

Jim hosts this first-half hour of Saturday night Monitor from 7:30 to 8 p.m. ET on Sept. 13, 1969.  It features a report from NBC’s Roy Neal in California about the murders of Sharon Tate and others in Los Angeles the previous month (the Manson family did it); Guy LeBow’s sports report on the use of computers to analyze football (it was revolutionary in 1969); a report from Israel on increasing tensions in the Middle East (yes, it’s a never-ending story); and Jim’s Saturday night sports update.  


Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Sept. 13

Time: a half-hour

Jim’s back with this half-hour of Saturday night Monitor from 8 to 8:30 p.m. ET on Sept. 13, 1969, featuring an interview with a woman from Appalachia who moved to get a better life; a report on marijuana use; and Jim’s Saturday night sports scores.


Jim Lowe hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Sept. 13

Time: one hour

Jim returns with this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on Sept 13, 1969.  You’ll hear a report from Gulfport, Mississippi — which had just been hit hard by Hurricane Camille; a report from Greenfield, Iowa, where residents were trying to stop smoking; Paul Duke’s “Capitol Hill Monitor,” and a couple of interviews about the effects of inflation.


New! Joe Garagiola hosts Sunday afternoon Monitor, part 1 — Sept. 14

Time: one hour

Mr. Garagiola hosts this first hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 2 to 3 p.m. ET on Sept. 14, 1969.  You’ll hear a “Monitor on Stage” comedy skit by Bill Cosby; “Capitol Hill Monitor” with Paul Duke; WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour; a Dr. Joyce Brothers piece; and Joe, interviewing New York Mets pitching great Tom Seaver (the Mets would, incredibly, go on to win the World Series in the next month). As for Warren Gerbe’s dog — yes.  You’ll hear that, too.


New! Joe Garagiola hosts Sunday afternoon Monitor, part 2 — Sept. 14

Time: one hour

This hour of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Sept. 14, 1969, features host Joe Garagiola introducing a Bob Considine “On the Line” report; a commentary by Joe on the pressure in Major League Baseball; an interview with the first woman ever to enroll at Princeton University; and Bill Ryan’s “Monitor College Poll.”  You’ll also hear Warren Gerbe’s dog in the background.


New! Joe Garagiola hosts Sunday afternoon Monitor, part 3 — Sept. 14

Time: a half-hour

This half-hour segment of Sunday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 4:30 p.m. ET on Sept. 14, 1969, features host Joe Garagiola interviewing Casey Stengel of the New York Mets; a report on drug abuse in schools; and a Rowan and Martin comedy skit.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69 — Sept. 21

Time: about 20 minutes

Here’s Durward, on this segment of Sunday night Monitor on Sept. 21, 1969, from 9 to about 9:20 p.m. ET — a segment we like because it features our long-time friend, former Monitor engineer Gene Garnes Sr., as a reporter! (Courtesy of Gene Garnes Sr.)


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Sept. 27

Time: one hour

We are pleased to have all three hours of Gene hosting Saturday morning Monitor on Sept. 27, 1969.  This hour — from 9 to 10 a.m. ET — begins with NBC Monitor News on the Hour; then moves on to an interview with a travel expert (this was “travel weekend” on Monitor); an interview with Yogi Berra of the Mets (yes, the Mets), on that team’s clinching of a baseball division title (the Mets, incredibly, would go on to win the World Series); Henry Morgan’s humorous commentary on traveling; and Gene’s on-the-scene interview with Notre Dame’s head coach Ara Parseghian, which turns into a Ford commercial.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Sept. 27

Time: one hour

Gene’s his usual energetic, enthusiastic self as he hosts this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on Sept. 27, 1969.  You’ll hear him interview the editor of “Ski” magazine; a Joe Garagiola sports report; Gene Shalit’s review of a movie he does not like; and a report from Van Patrick, interviewing Detroit Lion football player Mel Farr, as part of a piece clearly sponsored by Ford.


Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69, part 3 — Sept. 27

Time: one hour

Mr. Rayburn returns with this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 11 a.m. to noon ET on Sept. 27, 1969. It features a report on Alaska tourism; a Joe Garagiola sports report; a WNBC local newscast at the bottom of the hour; Frank Blair’s interview with the travel editor of Esquire Magazine; and a report on tourism in Miami.  


New!  Murray the K hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Oct. 18

Time: a half-hour

Yes, Monitor fans, Murray (the K) Kaufman — the “fifth Beatle” — was now the new host of Saturday night Monitor. In this partial half-hour from 8 to 8:30 p.m. ET on Oct. 18, 1969, Murray presides over a “Ring Around the World” report and reads the late Saturday night sports scores.


New!  Murray the K hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Oct 18

Time: one hour

Mr. K presides over this hour of Saturday night Monitor from 9 to 10 p.m. ET on Oc. 18, 1969, and it’s a good one.  You’ll hear Gene D’Accardo of KNBR Radio (NBC’s O-and-O in San Francisco) interview Jack Valenti, the president of the Motion Picture Association of America; a report on drug addiction by college students; a Joe Garagiola sports report; Bill Ryan’s “Monitor College Poll”; and Murray, reading late sports scores.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Oct. 26

Time: 15 minutes

So, you might ask — why are we including such a brief segment of Monitor — hosted by Durward Kirby on Sunday night, Oct. 26, 1969, from 7:45 to 8 p.m. ET? Well, it’s because in addition to Durward doing the Sunday night sports roundup, Gene Shalit gives one of the most creative movie reviews we ever heard him do on Monitor.  That’s why.


Durward Kirby hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Oct. 26

Time: one hour

We have most, but not all, of this Sunday night hour of Monitor hosted by Durward Kirby from 8 to 9 p.m. ET on Oct. 26, 1969. You’ll hear a report on how to make money; Dean Mell, interviewing a stock broker; Ray Farkes, reporting on humor in Washington; and an interview with the author of a book on “self-made men.”

Gene Rayburn hosts Monitor ’69 — Nov. 1

Time: one hour

Genial Gene is here with this hour of Saturday morning Monitor from 10 to 11 a.m. ET on Nov. 1, 1969.  It features an interview with a report on public bathing in Europe hundreds of years ago; Gene’s national weather report; a Joe Garagiola sports report; a “Ring Around the World” report on next year’s elections; and a piece by Dr. Joyce Brothers.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 1 — Nov. 1

Time: one hour

Okay, Monitor fans, if you’re a Henry Morgan fan (and we are), this hour is a must-hear.  He’s hosting Saturday afternoon Monitor (filling in for someone, but by this time, we’re as confused as anyone about who the regular Saturday afternoon host was) from 3 to 4 p.m. ET on Nov. 1, 1969.  You’ll hear Henry’s excellent interview with the owner of the “Flying Scotsman” train; Len Dillon’s interview with Chicago Black Hawks hockey superstar Bobby Hull; a WNBC local newscast at the bottom of the hour; Bill Ryan’s “College Poll”; Henry’s hilarious ad-lib about a ridiculous “Monitor tip” about leaves — yes, leaves — and an interview with an author who specializes in witches.  Yes, yes.  A memorable hour, indeed.


Henry Morgan hosts Monitor ’69, part 2 — Nov. 1

Time: one hour

Here’s Henry, back with this hour of  Saturday afternoon Monitor from 4 to 5 p.m. ET on Nov. 1, 1969. You’ll hear NBC Monitor News on the Hour, followed by reports on organized crime in the United States, a report on the skyjacking of a TWA plane, WNBC’s local newscast on the half-hour, a report on President Nixon’s hopes for Latin America; a report on the fight over potato chips (yes, potato chips) in Cleveland, and Guy LeBow’s piece on the New York Knicks basketball team.


Thanksgiving Monitor ’69 with Morgan, Rayburn, Garagiola and Murray the K (scoped) — Nov. 22 & 29 & Dec. 6

Time: about one hour

This is oh-so-good — delightful Thanksgiving-time Monitor ’69 segments, hosted by some of our very favorite people!  (Courtesy of Ken Smith)


Christmastime Monitor ’69 with Rayburn, Morgan, Murray the K and Charlie Brown (scoped) — Dec. 13, 20 & 21

Time: about 70 minutes

This is delightful holiday listening – Monitor segments from December ’69, with plenty of Monitor Christmas jingles and some great hosts! (Courtesy of Ken Smith)